Satish Kumar

27 books
The eleventh volume in the series India’s National Security Annual Review 2011 concludes from a detailed analysis of India’s security environment that there are some major security threats, but not of such magnitude as to impede its economic growth and political stability.
On top of the list of India’s external security concerns is China’s growing military and economic power, its assertiveness vis-a-vis countries on its periphery and its ...
This, the tenth volume in the series India's National Security: Annual Review, comprehensively assesses India’s security profile with regards to internal as well as external threats, especially in the context of the country emerging as a global power.The book opens with a pithy and insightful analysis of the security environment and in the next section goes on to present an overview of neighbouring hotspots such as Iran, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka ...
India’s National Security Annual Review 2001 brings together the best minds on security studies, international relations, economy, science, technology and governance to make an assessment of India’s national security in the year 2000. The challenges to the national security of India are no longer merely political and military but also include economic, technological and those emanating from a host of internal and external factors which threaten the ...
The present book deals with the entire spectrum of the problem of environmental degradation in general, and burning problem of environmental hazardous due to non-seriousness of the policy planners in India in particular. Author has taken the Sardar Sarovar Project as an instance for classifying policy errors which has delayed implementation of the project. The book has emphasised both the role of NGOs in creating environmental consciousness as well as quest for ...
This is the second volume in the series lndia's National Security Annual Review. The series was launched in September 2000 with a view to making an annual assessment of India's national security taking into account political, military, economic, and technological challenges, and multiple threats to internal security. The importance of the series has been vindicated by the highly positive response given to the first volume by members of the security community in ...
This work is a brief but comprehensive study on mind management, beauty of nature, inner urges, coexistence, definition of life, patience, unjustified hunger, emotions, equality of human beings, sense of pride, sorrow, pleasure, human behavious, respect, sacrifice, unexpected happenings, hunger for money and ignorance. It will be a useful study for social scientists, saintly personalities, teachers and students in India and abroad.
The Bangladesh Documents, in two volumes, presents a print version of the genesis of Bangladesh crisis leading up to a war of liberation for the people of Bangladesh and the world reaction to their tribulation. These documents depict the story of the emnergence of the People's Republic of Bangladesh from a exploited province to freedom and sovereignty--the establishment in Dhaka of a duly constituted national government and the beginning of a new era of ...
This book has been written for the development of the person’s inner being or development of mind. The personality being the mirror image of one’s mind, the book is especially useful for school and college students. It would help students not going astray. Presented in the form of a story, written in deep meditation with God, it is an interesting and valuable reading for teachers, parents, all the everyone in India as well as abroad.
This is the official Annual from the "National Security Council of India`..... in existance since 2001. Older volumes available on order.
This is the third volume in the series India`s National Security Annual Review. The series was launched in September 2002 with a view to making an annual assessment of India`s national security taking into account political, military, economic and technological challenges, and multiple threats to internal security. The importance of the series has been vindicated by the highly positive response given to the first volume by members of the security community in ...
India’s National Security Annual Review 2005 is the fifth volume in the series. The series is widely consulted in the universities, think tanks and in military establishments, war colleges, and national security. It is looked upon as an authentic and authoritative compendium of views and data on India’s national security by Major countries of the world. The publication continues to provide an integrated view of the national security of India by examining the ...
This volume, the sixth in the series on Indias National Security Annual Review, comes to the conclusion that Indias internal security is still the area of greatest concern. However, India's external security environment has definitely improved, with significant strides made in relations with all major countries. This is at a time when trends at the global level are none too happy. The big powers jostled for areas of influence. The threat of WMD proliferation ...