Simantee Sen

Showing all 17 books
In general, the concept of energy refers to "the potential for causing changes." Production and consumption of energy resources in very important to the global economy. All economic activity requires energy resources. Whether to manufacture goods, provide transportation, run computers and other machines or to grow food, to feed workers, or even to harvest new fuel. Organizations need to manage and optimize their energy usage well and in the process. ...
Every organization needs to maintain certain quality standards provided by organizations like ISO. More so, since today’s customers have become highly aware and quality conscious. The International Standards Organization has provided a level playing field manufacturer to officially state the quality of their products and business practices. ISO is made up of more than 150 national standards institutes from countries large and small, industrialized and ...
When the International Monetary Fund was originally formed, its purpose was to promote international monetary cooperation through a permanent institution, to facilitate and to contribute thereby to the promotion and maintenance of high levels of employment and real income and to promote exchange stability. In the last decade, there had been much debate about the role of the IMF in the changing global economic scenario. Like any other financing institution, IMF ...
Today, effective leadership is commonly viewed as central to organizational success, and more importance is placed on the role expansion of the "Top-chair" leaders than ever before. This top-management role expands horizontally, vertically and also diagonally. Increasingly, leadership is defined not as what the leader does but rather as a process that engenders and is the result of relationships-relationships that focus on the interactions of both ...
1. Organization Structures and Functions: An Introduction, 2. Organizational Design and Structure, 3. Levers of Organization Design: How Managers Use Accountability Systems for Greater Performance and Commitment, 4. Organizational Design for Process Improvement, 5. Building and Managing Cross-Functional Teams, 6. Organizational Commitment, Job Redesign, Employee Empowerment and Intent to Quit among Survivors of Restructuring and Downsizing, ...
As a result of modern-day changes about how business must be strategized, organized, and executed, ‘enterprise transformation’ has become the “buzzword du jour†in business world. Most senior executives or senior leadership teams (the CEO/GM and his or her direct reports) have been working on the wrong things. They spend a disproportionate amount of time on day-to-day operational and financial management issues at the expense of the long-term ...
Paper is used for writing, wrapping and packaging and for a variety of other applications ranging from kitchen napkins to the manufacture of building materials. In modern times, paper has become a basic material, one of the essential daily use products in the world. The development of the paper business has been a significant factor in the increase in literacy and the raising of educational levels of people throughout the world. The basic process of making paper ...
The alcohol industry is almost like the pharmaceutical industry… as long as there are people on this planet, the demand can never fall. However, this industry is one that needs to operate under a lot of regulations. Alcohol is also associated with many deep-rooted health and social problems. All this and more make the challenges faced by organizations very stark. The relationship between beverage alcohol and public health has been studied extensively for more ...
The objective of this book is to discuss the various challenges faced by the non-alcoholic beverage industry worldwide: competition, health-awareness among consumers, constant innovation, packaging, advertising, flavor and ingredient innovation, distribution, regulations, changing consumer tastes, preferences, etc. The constituent ingredients of the beverage industry have been a reason for doubt among all, more so in the recent past due to the cola scams…yet ...
In general, the concept of Energy refers to "the potential for causing changes." Production and consumption of energy resources is very important to the global economy. All economic activity requires energy resources, whether to manufacture goods, provide transportation, run computers and other machines or to grow food, to feed workers, or even to harvest new fuel. Organizations need to manage and optimize their energy usage well and in the process make ...
Today’s new consumer wants to be recognized, valued and, above all, be seen to be unique. The new consumer can be fickle – so rather like the fortunes of the celebrities many lifestyle products attract, popularity can be lost as easily as it is acquired. However, it is found that ‘Lifestyle Brands’ are ever vibrant with plenty of new ideas, investment, and innovation and a range of lifestyle products all over the world set the standards of its consumers. ...
Every year, the retail landscape looks a little different. Next year, what format will appeal to what market? Should retailers care about international expansion? Or should they make the most of their home market? As store saturation becomes a reality and early movers produce tangible results, retailers need to address this sizable opportunity—quickly. Retailers have difficulty assessing the product sales performance, considering a competitive mix and hitting ...
"The baby market is jumping; it’s such a huge growth market." A mother would rather spend some dollars on her baby than herself. Innovation was the key factor behind the unparalleled growth of this sector. With innovative products and lateral ideas, baby food manufacturers were successful in luring customers to buy their products. More than ever, parents are concerned about every aspect of their kids' well-being, from safety to nutrition to physical ...
Toys have an undeniable 'force' on every aspect of a child's development, laying the foundation for reading, writing, mathematical reasoning and creativity. Through play, children develop physical skills (as a child at play learns to reach, crawl, walk, run, climb, jump, throw, catch and balance), fine-motor skills (the use of hands and fingers), mental skills (through toys that encourage problem solving, demonstrates cause and effect), language skills (which ...
Experts from fields like arts, culture, industry, commerce and academia have all paid attention to the issue of leisure & pleasure in the world. They have long understood the need for incorporating entertainment in all the abovementioned fields in order to reach out better. They have emphasized the fact that entertainment trends are serious business for any organization, not just for those within the industry alone. Entertainment impacts global economics and ...
Today, we are undergoing a fundamental shift in our attitude to natural resources and the environment from the focus on the production of commodities to the focus on the ecological conditions of the land. Scientists, land managers, and others are increasingly proposing the ecosystem management as the best way to manage our planet's resources. It is a management philosophy that depends as much on understanding political and social factors as it does on ...
The entertainment industry has a huge impact on people today, in fact on a daily basis we need to fall back on entertainment at least 4/5 times. That's what a recent survey says. What we see, watch or hear is how we 'grow up'. The meaning of entertainment has undergone a major makeover over the years. We would love to dress up as Cinderella and get married at the Disney castle. The life-like video games perhaps give us a high like no other. Whoever doesn't watch ...