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Floriculture includes cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for sale or for use as raw materials in the cosmetics or perfume industry as well as in the pharmaceutical sector. However, today the emphasis on floriculture is not just in creating exotic species for decorative and commercial purposes but also in improving regular varieties and developing mass-cultivation techniques for increased productivity. India is the world’s fastest growing retail ...
This book, "Dynamics of Cross Cultural and Intercultural Communication" assists professionals communicate across cultures by promoting cross-cultural understanding and fostering communication. The book focuses on the need to develop the knowledge and skills to communicate more effectively in different cultural environments and to work more harmoniously with people from cultures other than their own. It covers the importance of language, written, ...
An estimated 70,000-80,000 Indians set sail on different International cruises plus 55 cruise ships visit Indian ports (2007). Indian cruise tourism has seen a transition from travelling to a more complex fuzzy product i.e., which is dynamic, involves customization and personalization. Everyone who wants to venture out for a sea vacation on a cruise will enjoy the in-depth views of the business tourism and travel articles in this unique book. It is really amazing ...
In today's competitive world, where everyone seems to be in a rat race to attain their goal, earning a livelihood generally brings in anxiety, tension, mental fatigue and this increases the possibility of lifestyle diseases. People are beginning to experience the emptiness of a materialistic, consumer focused, high pressure lifestyle and beginning to say NO to that way of life. The corporate world has recognized the need for employees to relax, recharge and ...
"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation" -Plato, The Reader "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand" -Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551BC-479 BC) Games are dynamic, intrinsically motivating and encourages high levels of involvement. They provide immediate feedback to participants, and mistakes do not result in actually losing assets (Hood, 1997). Game is one of the ...