Information and Communication Technology in Education

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Modern education is making great progress. Gone are the days, when the overhead projector was the latest presentation equipment found in schools. Information and communication technology (ICT) has encompassed and integrated with the working of schools and educational institutions. ICT integration is the topical requirement of everyday life, and plays an important role in society and in globalization. Quality education is a universal goal and is common to hear the argument that technology will be the key to it. Investment in educational technology is identified by policy-makers, as the path to educational quality. In fact, enthusiasts of educational technology, argue that, quality is here to stay and in the coming days will probably increase rapidly, creating a "new educational culture". The education sector is arguably one major area where ICT is playing a remarkable role. This technology helps in facilitating learning and free flow and exchange of educational materials. ICT is helping library professionals store and manage academic information. The online learning system is another web-based application that is revolutionizing the learning platform of education. The objective of this book is to create awareness of the role of ICT in the field of education. It intends to highlight the fact that the integration of information technology in teaching is key in ensuring quality in the educational system. The book strives to focus on the fact that ICT is helping the educational sector to grow tremendously and is changing the role of the ‘teacher’ from being a ‘dispenser of knowledge’ to being a ‘facilitator of learning’.


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Information and Communication Technology in Education
1st ed.