Ayurveda has its own characteristics. It dos not lay more emphasis on materialism like modern medical sciences. It rather emphasis purity of mind, thought and action. Since it is devoid of materialism, not mor is visible. It can only be felt, realized, sensed, perceived through experience only. Hence a lot depends on imagination and estimation which sometimes may go wrong as well. Hence, insight plays an important role in Ayurveda but today is a scientific era which depends more on visible i.e. solid than imagination which requires insight to test its accuracy. Today's medical philosophers/doctors have their own tennets which too are pious, useful for mankind and quite right in their own sense but when there is a wide gap between the modern and the ancient, then the former should also pay due consideration to the old keeping in mind that the later is the outcome of the great sacrifices and dedication of sages.
Modern medical science being the product of industrialization centres round mass production and hence thanks of the whole society instead of an individual. Keeping in mind that the society is perfect, the individual will naturally be perfect ancient thought centres round individual, for his development (mental, physical, ethical, intellectual etc.) with a view if the individual is perfect the whole society will be perfect. Hence the aim of both is uniform but the approach is different.
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