Teacher Education: Issues and Innovation

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This compendium of 25 papers attempts to analyze the different aspects of teacher education, with special reference to India. Addressing the issues and challenges of teacher education such as pre-service teacher education programmes, privatization and teacher preparation for ECCE, it takes stock of the progress made in the field of teacher education in the country.

Further examining the role of open and distance learning (ODL) and information and communication technologies (ICTs) in teacher education, it describes in detail value inculcation through language teaching, work experience education, the effectiveness of teacher training programme, and the impact of training on the teaching-learning environment. A discussion on reforms and innovations in teacher education also finds place in the book.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lokanath Mishra

L. Mishra is the Principal of Vivek College of Education, Bijnor, India. He specializes in Teacher Education, Peace Education, Higher Education, and Teaching of Mathematics. His interest in qualitative research on Adult Education for tribes culminated in a Ph.D thesis at the Utkal University of Orissa, India, in 2007. Dr. Mishra has published 13 books from Germany, USA and Cambridge of UK. Dr. Mishra is an editorial board member of The Journal of Education, Scientific Academic Publishing (USA) and chief editor of the International Journal of Education and Research (IJER) and International Journal of Peace Education and Development (IJPED).


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Teacher Education: Issues and Innovation
1st. ed.
vii+376p., Illustrations; 23cm.