Retaining customers, particularly the profitable customers paves the way for repetitive purchase, resulting in staying ahead with sustained profitability even in a competitive situation. This requires putting their best practices and efforts forward, which would delight and build loyalty of their customers ultimately leading to customer retention. This book is an attempt to help marketers and associated practioners to better understand contemporary concepts, strategies, practices and applications, in the sphere of customer retention management. While the earlier part of the book include articles that offer several insights into the concept, strategy and practice of customer retention management, the later part presents various applications and solutions covering different industries through illustrative examples and cases. Also, it offers insights into successful strategies and solutions adopted by various global and Indian firms such as Tesco, Bharti Tel, etc. Besides helping industry practioners, CRM professionals and executives to understand the ample opportunities offered by the emerging customer retention concepts and practices, this book offers an immense learning value to the academicians, researchers and students of Marketing and Management.
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