Indian Publishers Distributors

174 books
Yoga virtually meant the union with the infinite existence, force and bliss. As is generally recognised, Yoga is not a physical culture only or a part thereof.Yoga is an interior research where the researcher becomes the subject himself as well as the laboratory. It is a false notion that one has to renounce the world to practice this science. A vast literature is available. There are many sects and schools of Yoga. A plethora of Gods and God men have flourished ...
Dalai Lama: a personality study. Ranchan examines Dalai Lama in terms of his family dynamics, his rigorous training form childhood to youth, his encounter with the Chinese usurpers, his heroic encounter flight to India, his settling his million strong Tibetan diaspora, principally in India, but also elsewhere in Europe and America, and becoming a world leader and teacher of Buddhism. Ranchan illuminates Dalai as a hero, mana man, as an extender of Buddhism.
Since its publication in 1989 Makan has come to be considered as one of the greatest novels in contemporary Urdu fiction and has determined the trend of Urdu novel by influencing the form and philosophies of novels written thereafter. It is marked as a return of story telling in fiction with absolute renunciation of plot construction. Life and this novel become one and the same: breathing at the same levels of despair and ecstasy written in the background of ...
Foreign Policy of India, like that of any other country is an extension of its domestic policy. It has its roots in domestic perception and reflects the dominant domestic concerns. Indian Foreign Policy is a challenging development rooted in our tradition, history and ideology. Indian National Congress evolved it from 1920s focussing it on matters of world peace, anti-colonialism and anti-racialism. Speaking at Colombia University in 1949, Nehru elaborated on the ...
The concern for human rights and fundamental freedoms has assumed a global dimension and is of vital significance to the world community. Human rights intrinsically and pervasively impact the quality and fulfillment of life of societies in all nations and ensure the prevalence of freedom, justice, peace and order in the world. The United Nations, has launched a world public information campaign for human rights knowledge and awareness of human rights. A massive ...
Introduction spells out succinctly conceptual framework drawing from Indian mythology, Tantra, Vedanta and Jungian psychology in particular. Rigorous application of this framework is made in the three following chapters confined to two acclaimed novels each of the three writers. Among the Indian English writers Raja Rao is regarded as the greatest thematist of women and their lives and predicaments. In fact he is regarded as the thematist of the feminine ...
These poems of Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar represent a wide range in terms of theme, mood and tone. They give us a glimpse of Mahendra Bhatnagar’s high stature as a Hindi poet, who can induce in the reader serious thinking as well as aesthetic delight. Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar is most successful in vivifying directly-experienced scene of nature and prismatic states of weather, he often makes the objects of nature to carry symbolic meaning and convey dedicate the ...
The Portrait is a delightful collection of short stories and poems. The stories portray mostly women characters belonging to various strata of life and deal with profound human issues on a thematic basis. The poems have universal appeal and deal with well-chosen and varied themes. The music in the poems is natural and enchanting with haunting rhymes and rhythm. Words are few and lines go direct in the hearts of the readers. The poems express deep feelings and ...
The author of this book has given a parallel source of history about the practical impact of J.P.’s movement and formation of Janta Party government on the one hand, and on the other hand under currents that were shaping the destiny of the world. The author Shri Krishna Misra has a wide humanitarian outlook and he advocates the goodness in man. This book in form of diary imparts an objectivity in respect of events taking place from 1974 to 1984. The author is a ...
Edited compilations of conference papers, even those about exciting areas and issues relating to the Himalaya, do not necessarily make good reading, except for professionals and specialists. However, Himalayan Environment, an intellectually adventurous transect across many mountain disciplines by eminent Himalayan experts, is an exception. It will be read from cover-to-cover by Himalayan enthusiasts in India and all over the mountain-fraternity across the globe. ...
Continuing with his creative impulse to produce a new kind of poetry, O.P. Ranchan comes out with an another electrifying verse output. In this third volume of verses ‘O Nobly Born’ the poet has produced one hundred pieces and he calls them hymns. These hymns are not for being sung in worship; they are not raphasodical tributes in praise of God or any deity or divine personage. They are the poet’s ponderings and illuminations on the various facets and ...
The present monograph tries to unfold the tremendous impact of Lord Shiva and his associates on the social, cultural, religious and psychological outlook and practice of the people. This research work is the first of its kind giving a very interesting account of the practice of pledging manautis and observing Parthiva Poojana at Jageshwar, the seat of Swayambhu (self-born) linga. The book contain seven chapter: Ch.1 introduces Kumaun Himalayas with special ...
Somesh, the protagonist of the novel, is an idealistic and sensitive man. He joins a missionary educational institution. There he goes through a series of bitter experiences. He is a disillusioned man when he observes the coarse and vulgar conduct of the so-called religious persons. He is very shocked when Rock de Cunnah, the priest-principal, after falling in love with his own student; gives up his vows as a priest. His disillusionment grows further when he ...
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba (1838-1918) was the greatest Spiritual Master of the 19th and early 20th centuries. As God Incarnate he is venerated and worshipped by people of all comminutes throughout the world. He -was the unique champion of spiritual enlightenment, national integration and global awakening. He led the simple life of an humble village Fakir in Shirdi and helped countless people by his unique teachings and miracles. Although the divine name, fame and ...
The Marriage Customs of the World if treated exhaustively, would fill a good many volumes, and the compilation of such a work might occupy the best part of life-time. The present writer’s object is to present to general readers a careful account of quaint and interesting customs derived from information scattered through innumerable volumes, not to discuss scientific questions connected with the origin of marriage and the human family, which have been dealt ...
In the Glory Hunt : A Socio-Cultural Spectrum of Konyak Nagas, the author Dr. Kishore Jadav has delved deep into the ancient cultural patterns and way of life of Konyak Nagas, one of the most distinctive ethnic groups of India—their customs and social practices, rites and rituals, indigenous religious beliefs and taboos; their cult, pantheon divinities and spirits; especially the ways of prophecy including oneiromacy and animistic acts and ...
This book is a compilation of the papers presented and deliberated upon in the National Seminar on "Psycho-Social Characteristics, Problems and Strategies for the Welfare of the Aged in Rural India" organized by the Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram Rural Institute, and sponsored by the Ministry of Welfare, Government of India. While several papers throw light on the problems and issues of old age, the focus is on formulating strategies for the ...