Naya Udyog

27 books
This book has its beginning in 1985 and later on revised in 1990. Since then a wealth of literature has been accumulated on various aspects of tropical and subtropical fruit crops. The present day fruit cultivation has become a highly sophisticated enterprise. In the process of a comprehensive literature survey it was felt impossible to compile the research results on tropical and subtropical fruits in one volume. The third revised edition of this book is, ...
This book contains 16 chapters : history of plant breeding, origin and domestication of crops, genetic basis of plant breeding, quantitative inheritance, reproductive systems, selection methods, breeding methods, plant genetic resources, heterosis, wide crosses, ideotype breeding, breeding for resistance, polyploidy and chromosome manipulations, mutation breeding, somaclonal variations and transgenics, variety release and registration procedures and epilogue. ...
The book provides practical information on production technologies of tropical and subtropical fruits as well as plantation crops and horticultural nursery. Post-harvest management, marketing and export trends have been furnished for guidance. It also presents most realistic cost estimates and returns from cultivation of such crops. Financial analysis and schedule of repayment of bank loan have been given to serve as models. The book aims at viewing commercial ...
This book has its beginning in 1985 and later on revised in 1990. Since then a wealth of literature has been accumulated on various aspects of tropical and subtropical fruit crops. The present day fruit cultivation has become a highly sophisticated enterprise. In the process of a comprehensive literature survey it was felt impossible to compile the research results on tropical and subtropical fruits in one volume. The third revised edition of this book is, ...
This comprehensively revised publication (in two volumes), first published in 1989 (in one volume) and reprinted subsequently, ‘Commercial Flowers’ was considered as a valuable book on floriculture world-wide. There has been a marked improvement in production and quality of flowers during the last decade and enormous useful research results have been reported from all parts of the world, particularly on control of environment and crop management in ...
The first edition of the book entitled ‘Vegetable Crops in India’ published in 1986 was revised in 1993 with the title ‘Vegetable Crops’. Both the previous editions were considered as outstanding publication on the subject and proved valuable to the students, teachers, researchers and extension specialists in horticulture in general and olericulture in particular, in different parts of the world. During the period after the book was revised in 1993, ...
This manual, based on long experience of the author as teacher and research guide, gives a concise account of different plant pathological techniques required by the research scholars for pursuing their investigation and teachers for purpose of teaching. Topies have been carefully chosen and have been described in separate chapters. Relevant references have been provided while describing the techniques so that users may consult the original text for their ...
A plethora of scientific literature existed scatteredly on the biological activities of basic nutrients and medicinal compounds present in different types of plant foods. The author of this book has collected those information for as many as 128 plant food items. Nutritional and medicinal values of 85 and only medicinal values of 45 plant foods have been presented in this book. These plant foods are vegetable, spices, fruits, oilseeds, nuts, beverages, mouth ...
The first edition of the book entitled 'Vegetable Crops in India' published in 1986 was revised in 1993 with the title 'Vegetable Crops'. Both the previous editions were considered as outstanding publication on the subject and proved valuable to the students, teachers, researchers and extension specialists in horticulture in general and olericulture in particular, in different parts of the world. During the period after the book was revised in 1993, enormous work ...
India has the unique distinction to present one of largest vegetable oil economy in the world. It has been anticipated that the demand of edible oil and oil seeds by 2009-2010 world be 190 lakh tonnes and around 56 million tonnes respectively if per capita income grows by 5 per cent. This challenging demand by and large has to be countered by increasing the production of seven annual edible oil crops namely, rapeseed and mustard, groundnut, soybean, sunflower, ...
During the last 12 years from the first publication of tropical garden plants in colour, readers suggested that separate books on 5 chapters would be easier to consult as a guide for a particular group of plants. This was considered as a meaningful suggestion providing scope for inclusion of illustrated information on more species of plants in colour from the photographs taken from tropical and subtropical regions in India, Australia and south-east Asia during ...
Plants of horticultural importance with numerous species and innumerable varieties and cultivars, ranging from enormous trees of more than 100 m high to small herbs, comprising fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants are of great commercial value, providing food, shelter, beverages, oil, paper, rubber, medicine and natural essential oils, etc. Numerous ornamental plants are extensively grown for beautification ...
Plants of horticultural importance with numerous species and innumerable varieties and cultivars, ranging from enormous trees of more than 100 m high to small herbs, comprising fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants are of great commercial value, providing food, shelter, beverages, oil, paper, rubber, medicine and natural essential oils, etc. Numerous ornamental plants are extensively grown for beautification ...
Plants of horticultural importance with numerous species and innumerable varieties and cultivars, ranging from enormous trees of more than 100 m high to small herbs, comprising fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants are of great commercial value, providing food, shelter, beverages, oil, paper, rubber, medicine and natural essential oils, etc. Numerous ornamental plants are extensively grown for beautification ...
Plants of horticultural importance with numerous species and innumerable varieties and cultivars, ranging from enormous trees of more than 100 m high to small herbs, comprising fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants are of great commercial value, providing food, shelter, beverages, oil, paper, rubber, medicine and natural essential oils, etc. Numerous ornamental plants are extensively grown for beautification ...
The Book Ecology and environment, two inseparable sides of the currency of the natural world, constitute an all embracing and fascinating subject that confronts present-day mankind in a very big way. The highly multidisciplinary nature of the subject makes it imperative on the part of interested people to become acquainted with technical and semitechnical terms in ecology and environment. The present book is an endeavour to foster that much needed acquaintance. ...
The third edition of this book has been the result of a thorough revision with updated information that was first published in 1986, reprinted in 1991 and further revised and published in 1997. Meanwhile, lot of information has been generated in the field of propagation of horticultural crops in general and micropropagation, in particular. The existing conventional propagation practices have been neither improved or new methods have been evolved and a revolution ...
Plantation crops are of high commercial value and used by the people all over the world, but mainly grown in the tropical regions. The important plantation crops are coconut and oil palm (oil yielding crops); tea, coffee and cocoa (beverge crops); arecanut and betelvine (small holder’s crop); cashew (nut crop); rubber (industrial crop); bamboo (timer crop); Palmyra (under exploited plantation crop). Many of the plantation crops and their products are the major ...
Plants of horticultural importance with numerous species and innumerable varieties and cultivars, ranging from enormous trees of more than 100 m high to small herbs, comprising fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants are of great commercial value, providing food, shelter, beverages, oil, paper, rubber, medicine and natural essential oils, etc. Numerous ornamental plants are extensively grown for beautification ...
The Wild Flowers of Kanchanjunga Biosphere Reserve (KBR), Sikkim is with the presentation of most interesting floristic components of KBR, found in several parts of Sikkim as well as in the Himalayas including Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, having alike phytogeographical regions. This book takes a positive approach to highlight 260 wild flowers spread in this area. The account consists of 256 species of angiosperms and only 4 species of gymnosperms. ...
Since time immemorial, flower growing in India has been an integral part of culture. Traditional methods in flower production have changed during the last two decades due to active patronage of Govt. of India inducing radical changes in commercial floriculture. new concepts of flower production with hitech pre and post-harvest production technologies, and also new flowers and improved export quality cultivars have been introduced. Greenhouse method has also ...
Plants of horticultural importance with numerous species and innumerable varieties and cultivars, ranging from enormous trees of more than 100 m high to small herbs, comprising fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants are of great commercial value, providing food, shelter, beverages, oil, paper, rubber, medicine and natural essential oils, etc. Numerous ornamental plants are extensively grown for beautification ...