S.S. Bhavikatti

Subtotal: $159.95
28 books
With the author`s experience of teaching the courses on Finite Element Analysis to undergraduate and postgraduate students for several years, the author felt need for writing this book. The concept of Finite Element Analysis, finding properties of various elements and assembling stiffness equation is developed systematically by splitting the subject into various chapters.
The method is made clear by solving many problems by hand calculations. The application of ...
This book is designed for undergraduate civil engineering students.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with elements of civil engineering. It highlights the role of civil engineers and then explains the basic components of construction management. Not only traditional materials but alternate, composite and smart materials are also explained. Introduction to surveying including remote sensing and geographical information system is presented. ...
Engineering Mechanics is a core subject taught to engineering students in the first year of their course. By going through this subject, the students develop the capability to model actual problem into an engineering problem and find the solutions using laws of mechanics. The neat free-body diagrams are presented and problems are solved systematically to make the procedure clear. Throughout SI units and standard notations as recommended by Indian Standard Code ...
This book is written specially to meet the requirement of engineering students of EEE, EIE and ICE. Every care has been taken to cover the syllabus of all Indian universities. The special features of this book are: systematic presentation, neat illustrations and a large number of solved and exercise problems. This students-friendly book addresses itself to the needs of engineering students.
This is a comprehensive book meeting complete requirements of Engineering Mechanics Course of undergraduate syllabus. Emphasis has been laid on drawing neat free-body diagrams and then applying laws of mechanics systematically. Standard notations are used throughout and important points are stressed. All problems are solved systematically to illustrate correct method of answering. A chapter on Virtual Work Method, which is also an important approach in solving ...
This book presents the classical theory of plates and shells, which is essential for a structural engineer. Though a number of finite element packages are used by design engineers, to get an idea of the structural behaviour and to be skilled in the same field, one must be proficient in classical method. Keeping the above point in view, the author hopes that M.Tech. Structural Engineering students will accept this as useful textbook on the subject of theory of ...
This book is written mainly to meet the requirement of the course on Elements of Civil Engineering of Gujarat Technological University. Since no present book covers all the topics of this course, there is need for such book. Author with his experience of writing most popular book on similar topic for students of Karnataka, has attempted this book. It is hoped that teachers and students of Gujarat will accept this book whole-heartedly.
Indian standard code of practice IS-456 for the design of plain and reinforced concrete was revised in the year 2000 to incorporate durability criteria and other research findings. Hence, there is a need to have students and staff-friendly book in the R.C.C. Design as per IS-456, 2000 codal provisions. Author brought out the book, ``Design of R.C.C. structural elements (R.C.C. Volume I)`` in the year 2005 and then brought out book in 2006 to cover R.C.C. ...
This book is meant for the first course on Surveying and Levelling of most of the universities. It covers all basic methods of surveying and levelling, applications of surveying and levelling, calculation of areas and volumes of earth work involved in the field work. Minor instruments used in the field are also explained. The author has taken care to use simple and lucid language and to explain the subject with neat sketches. A number of problems are solved to ...
The book is meant for the second course on Surveying and Levelling of most of the universities. It covers all advanced methods of surveying including remote sensing and GIS.Care has been taken to use simple and lucid language and to explain the subject with neat sketches. A number of problems are solved to make the subject more clear.Diploma and degree students of Civil Engineering, Mining and Architecture will find this book useful.
So far working stress method was used for the design of steel structures. Nowadays whole world is going for the limit state method which is more rational. Indian national code IS:800 for the design of steel structures was revised in the year 2007 incorporating limit state method. This book is aimed at training the students in using IS: 800–2007 for designing steel structures by limit state method. The author has explained the provisions of code in simple ...
Written specifically for the first year engineering syllabus of major Indian universities and institutes, this student-friendly book addresses itself to just-out-of-school students from diverse backgrounds. It adopts an all-steps-explained approach to general civil engineering and engineering mechanics. The fourth edition includes university question papers with answers.
Structural analysis, or the 'theory of structures' is an important subject for civil engineering students who are required to analyze and design of structures. The first volume of the book covers the analysis of determinate structures, and introduces indeterminate structures with their analysis by consistent deformation methods and the three-moment equations. An ideal textbook for undergraduate students of engineering, and a text-cum reference for ...
Volume II deals in depth with the analysis of indeterminate structures, and also special topics like curved beams and unsymmetrical bending. It provides an introduction to advanced methods of analysis, namely matrix method and plastic analysis.
Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum, revised the compulsory course of Ist year engineering students to be admitted from the academic year 2010-11 onwards. Since no present book can cover all the topics of this course, there is a need for bringing out a book specially for this course. This book covers the latest syllabus 10 CIV 13/10 CIV 23 of VTU. The author hopes the teachers and students of Karnataka will accept this new edition with additional ...
This subject is a mixture of many civil engineering subjects like Building Materials, Building Constructions, Surveying and Engineering Mechanics. Various books are available in these subjects including some of them by the author. However a student cannot refer all those books to get the required part for his study in a semester. Hence author felt there is need for a separate book for RGPV Bhopal students to cover entire syllabus, to the required extent. The ...