Electronic Commerce

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The book highlights the difference between methodology and methods. It examines Inductive, Deductive, Retroductive and Abductive research as mutually exclusive strategies and its implications in research. Major methods of data collection, sampling, basic statistics used for data analysis and report writing have been discussed in detail. Information Technology with specific reference to social informatics as an emerging trend has been explored. Social Impact ...
The e-marketing industry has a bright future to watch out. The future of marketing is there for anyone to see – just log onto the Internet. In less than a decade the World Wide Web has changed from a research enclave to the main street of the world. In the years ahead it will continue to shift from a medium of personal communication and expression to a place of economic opportunity. This book will provide valuable and timely information to a wide range of ...
Cybercrimes are in the news practically everyday. Counter measures are evolving to combat identity theft, hackers, viruses, etc. The dates, September 11, 2001 (the day hijacked jetliners hit the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon out side Washington), October 1, 2001 (the day a car bomb attack took place outside the Jammu and Kashmir State Assembly killing at least 27 people), and December 13, 2001 (the day on which terrorists attacked the Parliament ...
It’s a business truism nowadays that electronic commerce is a volatile, rapidly changing landscape. Despite recent discouraging trends, the fact remains that e-commerce is an integral force in business that must be reckoned with current research, however, has been limited to several narrow approaches, such as documenting economic performance, describing business models, and generating new applications and technologies. Charles Steinfield calls instead for an ...
The present work focuses on exhaustive study of Intellectual Property Rights: An Introduction; Computer Software and Copyright; Copyright; Copyright and Databases; Computer-Generated Works; Copyright and Electronic Publishing; Law of Confidence; Patent Law; Trade Marks; Designs; Semiconductor Products; Cyberpsychology and Cyborgs; Against Social Constructionist Cyborgian Territorialisations; The Cyber and the Subjective; Computer Contracts; Liability for ...
Electronic Commerce popularly called E-Commerce is often used interchangeably with the term "E-Business". In reality, E-business carries a much broader sense rather than just the shopping. Some people also use the term "Internet Commerce" to mean electronic commerce that specifically uses the Internet or the web for data transmission. In its simplest form, it refers to shopping on the part of the Internet called the World ...
The global access offered by the internet to everyone, who is connected, expands the market reach of a company beyond its geographic location, as anyone at any corner of the globe can transact business with the company throughout the whole world. The present book includes all dimensions of e-commerce such as concepts and frameworks of e-commerce and presents practical methods for designing and developing a strategy for e-commerce. The work also provides good ...
E-Commerce has become the driving force of the global market. The speed of activity and of decisions to keep pace with the growth of globalisation, global commerce and global trade requires not only instant communications but also instant data generation with the validity of the data as up-to-date as possible. This book has been specially prepared to acquaint the newcomer to the world of business, and also those following traditional methods, to learn what ...
E-commerce is now one of the most significant drivers of both successful business development and national economic development. It provides enormous opportunities for the development of profitable business providing stable, well paid employment in both existing firms and in new start up business. Throughout the world governments and leading enterprises in all sectors are putting new policies into place to capture the exceptional opportunities for both economic ...
If misuse of the Internet is a fact of life of the modern world, so is the concerted effort of netizens and state authorities to counter crime and criminal activities in cyberspace. The present publication attempts to provide the reader with a comprehensive insight into the working of the criminal mind in its various manifestations. The aspects included for discussion are: Crime and criminal activities on the Internet; abuse of the Web; nature of cyber frauds; ...
Authorities every where are increasingly concerned about the vast extent and variety of crime in the Internet space, also known as cyberworld. Cyber crimes have been the reason behind numerous tasks forces setup by several countries to seek ways and means of curbing cybercrime, if not eliminating it altogether. Interpol has already set up a separate cell to deal with cyber crime. The government of India too is alive to the issue and TRAI is looking at hard ...
The global electronic commerce market is growing extremely fast hence the need arises to establish a coherent legal framework for development of electronic commerce. This book provides an elaborate discussion centering on the major topics like--The Internet: An Introduction; On-Line Marketing; The Law Firm Intranet; Knowledge Management and Intranets; Electronic Commerce; Legal Electronic Commerce; On-Line Practicalities; Web Technology; Security and the ...
In the age of computer and Internet cyber crimes have emerged on the scence which requires special techniques of investigation and detection. The present work highlights some important issues on the topic, e.g. Finding Network Operating System and Operating System Weaknesses; Sources of leaks in LANs and WANs; Creating a Network Security Policy; Managing NDS Security; Network Services; Transmission Media and Connections; Nature of Computer Crime; Computer Fraud; ...
Electronic Commerce e-Commerce is one of the biggest buzzwords in today’s business world. It consists of the buying, selling, marketing and servicing of products or services over computer networks. It enables companies to be more efficient and flexible in their internet operations, to work more closely with their suppliers, and to be more responsive to the needs and expectations of their customers. It allows companies to select the best suppliers regardless of ...
The dictionary is essentially a compilation of terms used in various aspects of e-commerce. An effort has been carried out to bring not only the commonly used terms but also the more specialized and the new terms which have been introduced during the recent developments. This provides a clear understanding of the technical terms and their interpretation which are central to the use of computers and internet in such fields of interest. At certain appropriate ...
You regularly use credit card to shop and dine. You pay your bills regularly. One day, you experience a shock of life to see an astronomical bill. After enquiry, you learn that your identity is stolen. Someone else has purchased goods! Sounds unbelievable? It is not! Incidences like this occur fairly regularly in markets such as the US and the UK. Now, they are assuming alarming proportions in India too! The crooks exploit the vulnerabilities in the system and ...