Ess Ess Publications

196 books
This book, enriched by contributions of serious researchers, deals with different aspects of India’s foreign policy during the Modi years. They have thrown light on the elements of change and continuity in Modi’s foreign policy and on its fact-ones and dynamics. The book comprises four broad sections, namely, India and Major Powers, India and South Asia, India and Near abroad, and India and Continents-Africa and South America. Every contributor, while ...
The book ‘Essentials of Information Literacy and E-Information Literacy for Information Seekers’ integrates the essentials of information handling skills/techniques of information literacy and e-information literacy in the present digital era by highlighting on aspects like measuring tools of information literacy skills, practices/methods tailored by library and information centers in enhancing information literacy/e-information literacy skills, ...
The theme of the book “Re-Envisaging Knowledge Resource Centers: Roles and Responsibilities” is chosen because of its importance and relevance to the present global scenario. Libraries are at a turning point. As technology rapidly transforms the way we access information, and resources are increasingly available online and in digital formats, the established role of the library as a physical space housing racks of books is looking increasingly out of ...
This book is significant in many ways because it describes various important aspects of research methods such as sampling, various methods and techniques of data collection, processing and analysis of data, statistical analysis and interpretation of data, hypothesis and testing the hypothesis, interpretation of data and writing research report, computer application: its role in research, etc.
In this book “Research Method for Library Science ...
This text is a collection of experiences, thoughts and reflections drawn from the working life of the author in the domain of library and information service, and teaching management science in different capacities over a period of three decades. If sweet experiences are like roses, the bad experiences are thorns. The treatise covers the topics: developing positive work culture; recruitment and performance review; projects, operations and accountability; ...
The book “Automation of Integrated Library Operations: A How to do Manual” deals with all the current aspects of automation and the issue that need to be addressed while implementing automation in their respective libraries. The library automated systems those support in house operations, users as well as management information needs through conventional operations such as acquisition, cataloguing serials, circulations modules are dealt in detail ...
This book is presented with a motive developing a complete solution for enabling librarians and information professionals to convert print of documents in digital form. If we analyze the recent trend in information profession, we shall find a growing need of creating digital versions of manuscripts, rare books, theses and dissertations etc. available in print form in various libraries and information centres. Most of the professionals are involving themselves in ...
Library cataloguing is at a crossroads due to the introduction of the newly developed cataloguing code RDA. Conversion of library catalogues from AACR2 to RDA has become a huge burden for library and information centers. This book brings together almost all the descriptive cataloguing codes of modern era to evaluate RDA, and it suggests alternate ways of implementation the new cataloguing standard if required. A thorough and comparative study of AACR2 and RDA has ...
Library is a collection of various types of materials in different forms and formats containing and generating lots of data, library is a system that consists of inter-dependent and interrelated sub-systems that generate huge amounts of data and share the common data within the system and across the systems.The back end relational database management systems (RDBMS) are effective in organizing the data in standard formats avoiding data redundancy and thereby ...
This book is grounded in the theoretical and practical aspects of leadership and management in library science education, library practice, and library administration. It will help new learners to get acquainted with the basic knowledge of leadership and management, which can be applied in the practical aspects of library education and management. Concepts are explained in a simple and comprehensive manner to develop a foundation for new library professionals. ...
The present work “Information Landscapes: A Scenario” is a festschrift volume in honour of Dr. PSG Kumar on his 71st Birthday.
A festschrift volume committee has been formed with Dr. K B Kale University Librarian as Chairman and Dr. ShaliniLihitkar, Asst. Professor, DLIS, RTM Nagpur University as convener; and several of his students, friends and admirers as members.
Dr. PSG Kumar - a savant of librarianship; a scintillating star on the library ...
Libraries have been repositories of knowledge since ancient times. Nowadays libraries and information services are getting transformed by the increasing availability of electronic information. The management of information resources in libraries is of greater importance in the digital world. Libraries are entrusted with the task of being the providers of information and should posses updated skills to make available the organized access to worth while information ...
Libraries are constantly facing challenges due to technology acceptance and are forced to adapt to it for providing better services. To tune the libraries with the latest developments, modernizing libraries and using electronic information tools and techniques to provide services in digital form has become essential. This fact has brought about a major shift in the responsibilities of librarians and the libraries. They are not only engaged in collection ...
This book seeks to understand the causes of cross-border terrorism in South Asia in the post 9/11 period. It analyzes how each South Asian country has responded to terrorism in general and cross-border terrorism specifically. The causes of terrorism and cross-border terrorism, organisations involved, and countries involved are discussed. Also included is an analysis of the role of the United States and other big powers in countering terrorism in South Asia.
The argument has been made that in the past there was a simplicity, tranquility, sociability, and spirituality that is now lost. This rose-tinted nostalgia is generally confined to the wealthy who do not understand that the world, and specifically the policies and politics in the Middle East, can not continue as is. The human race has become a problem-solving machine, but it can only solve the problems of the Middle East by changing its ways. What is the Middle ...