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In recent years none other than "Avian Influenza" also called as "Bird flu" or "Avian flu" has attracted more attention of the scientists, academicians, journalists, politicians, poultry farmers, and general public alike. Facts of scientific information along with myths spread with different explanations and illustrations. Nations are in a state of fear as the virus which cause the disease threatens to melt borders and spread the ...
This book covers the needs of veterinary and animal science students of the developing countries of Asia and Africa, specially designed to meet the requirements of these countries. The book provides the general background of veterinary virology. The first part of the book covers general virology in a concise manner with the hope that reader appreciates the nature of viruses, their pathogenicity and replication of viruses etc. In second part, information on ...
The book “Aflatoxicosis in animals and its public health significance” has been prepared to give an insight of aflatoxins and the economically important animal disease it produces – the aflatoxicosis. This book encompasses from the very basic understanding of aflatoxicosis to the recent advances and latest generation tools for its detection and detoxification, suitable prevention and control strategies to be adopted, along with its ...
A vast land resource (39.54 m ha) in the country characterized as arid region is under utilized, having good potential for quality production of several horticultural crops. The horticulture can play vital role in diversification of these untapped natural resources. Despite immense potential, meager efforts have been made for sustainable production of horticultural commodities without any adverse effect on such complex-diverse-risk prone system, though the ...
The book is a compilation of information on various plants for their antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral activities in the form of a glossary to meet the needs of investigators in this area of research. Brief abstracts of literature reporting activities of the plant extracts and their active principles against fungi, bacteria and viruses together with complete references are presented in the book. The plants are arranged alphabetically while different works ...
Soil Science is an important branch of Agriculture which deals with studies of different areas like soil physics; soil chemistry; soil fertility and plant nutrition; soil survey, genesis and classification, soil mineralogy, etc. It is therefore, essential that this valuable natural resource is understood and conserved properly for sustained agricultural production in India. National Agricultural production mainly dependent upon one of the important natural ...
The pressure of an ever increasing population and periodic famine due to unexpected flood and drought has forced and awakened the horticultural scientist, to evolve new plant types for diversified use. Besides, some limitations in the improvement of fruit crop such as long juvenile phase, high heterozygosity, limited information on inheritance pattern, excessive fruit drop, parthenocary and lesser number of seeds per fruit, hybridization, selection, mutation and ...
The book has been prepared exclusively for undergraduate students as per the basic structure of VCI syllabus. All the topics suggested by VCI have been covered with added advantage of related other topics. Language of the book is simple and chapters are in classroom notes style. Wherever applicable, the diagnostic methods being used by medicine people are mentioned to help the students and teachers in better way.Lesser attention has been given ...
n Fungal Disease Resistance in Plants, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Engineering, loading authorities in botany, plant breeding, and plant pathology share their expertise to help prevent outbreaks of crop diseases caused by fungi. Heralding exciting new advances in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetic engineering, this informative book will help researchers, professors, and students further their understanding of plant defenses. This book ...
During the Xth plan, a growth of 4 percent or more is being targeted as a national policy in agriculture. To achieve this, livestock production is being focused as a source of livelihood and income generation for farmers. The arid and semi-arid regions constituting about 40% area of the country, are comparatively less developed and therefore kept as key response area. Since feeding livestock cost more than 60 per cent, and there exists huge deficit of forage and ...
Crop improvement will become progressively important over the next few decades as the world’s population is expected to top 10 billion people, with more than eight billion in developing countries alone. Genetics and Production Innovations in Field Crop technology: new Developments in Theory and Practice tackle this enormous challenge by detailing the latest available research and innovations for crop breeders and physiologists for the twenty-first century. ...
In this Lexicon attempt has been made to collect and produce a compact source of readily available and upto date information for under-graduate and post-graduate students and scientists in plant science. This Lexicon deals with technical terms, definititions, techniques and annexures with Hall of fame, Multinational companies involved in Agri business, Cultivated economic species with recent botanical classification. We hope that the students, teachers, ...
A Dictionary of any subject, particularly that of science, is of great value in removing and confusion, contradiction and doubt in the shortest possible time. It also helps a lot both in teaching as well as learning of the technical terms in lucid style and served as a guidance to the students without foreign them to search endlessly. The present book written in the field of wildlife will help students in understanding technical terms in the aforesaid subject. ...
The food of poultry origin such as eggs and meat supply high quality and readily digested protein and energy and are also a compact source of readily-available micronutrients. Thus, the economic and nutritional demands of our modern society for food from poultry necessitate the raising of poultry under intensive production system in densely-populated colonies or flocks, which resulted in stress. Under such circumstances, anti-microbial feed additives such as ...
This book has some unique features. It contains (i) the self-questioning of scientists who had long been used to the reductionist method of science and had become the vehicle of propagating chemicalisation of agriculture as "Scientific Technology"; (ii) Penetrating observations of some social activists on the deleterious effect of chemicalised farming and (iii) the stories of path breaking efforts in alternative agriculture in pursuit of organism. The ...