B.V.S Prasad

Showing all 16 books
People move from rural areas to urban areas for various reasons. The main reason for the migration is the uneven distribution of resources in the economy. Economic constraint at the native place of the migrants motivates them to leave their place of birth in search of livelihood or economic betterment in urban zones. Migrants are drawn to the cities by the economic forces such as domestic terms of trade, the diffusion of technology from the western countries and ...
Floriculture includes cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for sale or for use as raw materials in the cosmetics or perfume industry as well as in the pharmaceutical sector. However, today the emphasis on floriculture is not just in creating exotic species for decorative and commercial purposes but also in improving regular varieties and developing mass-cultivation techniques for increased productivity. India is the world’s fastest growing retail ...
The passenger car segment of the Indian automotive industry has assumed great importance post-liberalization. In the 1990s, the Government of India opened the doors for the entry of foreign carmakers. The Automotive Mission Plan 2006-16, and Automotive Policy-2002, embody a mission to make India an automotive hub. According to the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), in the year 2007-08, over 1.5 million cars were sold in the domestic market. There ...
The constantly changing business scenario of global competition and labor scarcity has made 'temping' an effective HR strategy that proffers various employment solutions to businesses. Its popularity is mainly attributed to its creation of competitive advantage for the companies in terms of greater workforce flexibility, increased profit, cost efficiency, and maintenance of a continuous business cycle. This has led to rapid growth of the temporary staffing ...
This decade has seen a radical transformation in the face of HRM. HR metrics interventions have changed the paltry support function of HR into a strong strategic partner of an organization. HR metrics convert the value of HR programs into the language of business—tangible and measurable results that aid and direct the managers in their strategic decision-making. Metrics ascertain that management and development actions remain relevant to the overall corporate ...
An estimated 70,000-80,000 Indians set sail on different International cruises plus 55 cruise ships visit Indian ports (2007). Indian cruise tourism has seen a transition from travelling to a more complex fuzzy product i.e., which is dynamic, involves customization and personalization. Everyone who wants to venture out for a sea vacation on a cruise will enjoy the in-depth views of the business tourism and travel articles in this unique book. It is really amazing ...
In today's competitive world, where everyone seems to be in a rat race to attain their goal, earning a livelihood generally brings in anxiety, tension, mental fatigue and this increases the possibility of lifestyle diseases. People are beginning to experience the emptiness of a materialistic, consumer focused, high pressure lifestyle and beginning to say NO to that way of life. The corporate world has recognized the need for employees to relax, recharge and ...
The real estate sector in India is presently worth USD15 billion and it is growing at a phenomenal rate of 30% per year. This sector is the second largest employer in India, after the agricultural sector. Having attained maturity, the real estate sector is attracting huge investments, especially FDI. Today, real estate in India addresses the demand for built-up space, from a variety of property segments such as offices, residential units, shopping malls, ...
"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation" -Plato, The Reader "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand" -Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551BC-479 BC) Games are dynamic, intrinsically motivating and encourages high levels of involvement. They provide immediate feedback to participants, and mistakes do not result in actually losing assets (Hood, 1997). Game is one of the ...
The pharmaceutical industry in India presents a picture of robustness and healthy growth. Over the last 30 years, the industry's growth has enabled India to emerge as a world leader in the production of high quality, low-cost, generic drugs. It has made giant strides and today manufactures over 400 bulk drugs and around 60,000 formulations. In 2006-07 the domestic pharmaceutical sales were valued at USD 7.9 billion and exports at USD 5.3 billion. The industry is ...
According to the estimates of Survey of Consumption Expenditures, National Sample Survey, 1999-2000, nearly 70% of the Indian population depends on agriculture for its daily livelihood. Agriculture is of prime importance in Indian economy, and contributes 18.5 percent of the total GDP. But India s agricultural production and farm incomes are very often affected by natural calamities such as drought, floods and cyclones. Vulnerability of agriculture to various ...
Every employee, no matter what his or her role is, knows that exceptional employee performance is critical in today s world. Any organization that plans for long-term success needs to focus on the performance of employees to prevent any undue effect. This brings out a change in the manager's role-from performance supervisors to performance coaches. Every organization needs to have competent and experienced persons to accomplish the activities successfully. ...
Indian pharma companies are going global and emerging as MNCs. Even though Indian pharma started to internationalize in the 1960s, it gained momentum only in the 90s and the trend continues to increase in the current decade. Initially, Indian companies targeted emerging nations to globalize and now they are focusing both on developed and developing countries. There are huge opportunities available for Indian companies to tap worldwide due to the increase in ...
Indian MNCs are a reality today. From nowhere Indian companies have emerged to become multinationals in a short span of time. Protectionism followed by India earlier, also helped protect domestic industries from competition, but on the other hand, it slowed down the emergence of large corporates. The liberalization and globalization since the 1990s have propelled the growth of Indian companies to unimaginable levels. Today, many of them have emerged as a force to ...
This book, "Dynamics of Cross Cultural and Intercultural Communication" assists professionals communicate across cultures by promoting cross-cultural understanding and fostering communication. The book focuses on the need to develop the knowledge and skills to communicate more effectively in different cultural environments and to work more harmoniously with people from cultures other than their own. It covers the importance of language, written, ...
In an unending labor crunch, developing an effective employee induction program and experience is very crucial in the current business scenario. Effective employee induction is one of the best tools used by the employers to retain and have enduring relationship with the employees. The program determines how promptly the new employees can integrate into the business to attain their full potential. It provides them the clarity of expectations, encouragement, the ...