Management Games in Business Learning

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"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation" -Plato, The Reader "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand" -Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551BC-479 BC) Games are dynamic, intrinsically motivating and encourages high levels of involvement. They provide immediate feedback to participants, and mistakes do not result in actually losing assets (Hood, 1997). Game is one of the most highly utilized forms of simulation in education, business, and training for a variety of reasons. Games teach competition strategies, cooperation and teamwork and conflict resolution. Games constitute a wonderful tool for engaging learners and to reinforce learning. It makes learning fun; for most people, this increases the capacity to learn. The effectiveness of games relies on the degree to which they simulate real-life, and there are benefits and drawbacks. However, they may make participants overlook the lesson being taught if they become too involved in them and overlook their errors. Also, players may limit themselves to a singular winning strategy in order to win the game (Hinrichs, 1976). The book seeks to offer a unique perspective as it aligns learning and training concepts with practical games. The book provides an insight into the concept of management games. Game theory and its application, importance, uses, advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The book presents management games like the Beer Game, Centipede Game, Stag Hunt, Prisoner s Dilemma, Hawk-Dove, Dollar Auction and Monty Hall Paradox. The book focuses on creative thinking, ice breakers, warm up for any gathering, group decision-making, team building and business strategy games.


B V S Prasad is an Engineering graduate from IIT, Kharagpur and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He has over 30 years of varied industry experience in Consultancy, HR, Finance, Production and Industrial Engineering areas. He is currently working as Senior Faculty Member at Icfai Business School Research Center, Chennai. His areas of interest include Soft Skills, Training and Development, MIS and Management Control Systems.


Srikant Kapoor holds a Master's degree in Business Management having dual specializations in Marketing and HR. He also holds first class diplomas in both Hotel and Sales management. He is currently working as Faculty Associate at Icfai Business School Research Center, Chennai. Prior to joining to Icfai he has taught Business Communication, Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Advertising, Services Marketing and Human Resource Management for over six years at graduate and undergraduate levels in leading management institutes in National Capital Region. In addition, he has two years corporate experience in operations & sales in the hospitality industry, where he had considerable exposure to foreign guests.


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Management Games in Business Learning
1st ed.